Outfit Details:
Dress/Tunic (under $50), AG Jeans, Gold Rings (similar), Bag (love this one as well), Ankle Strap Sandals
If you just browse my feed, it’s no secret that neutrals and earthy tones are my favorite colors. I realized the other day that about 50% of my spring wardrobe involves some form of sage color. This dress I found recently is no exception. I love the feminine details, like the mock neck, bow at the neck, flounce, and ruffles. It’s so flowy on and has a little bounce that fits with the happy mood of spring.
It also occurred to me that it’s been a while since I’ve shared a personal post. I love creating content for you, and in the midst of it all sometimes I stop and realize I haven’t connected with you personally in awhile! In an effort to let you all get to know me better, today I’m sharing 10 things you might not know about me. Oh, and my love for neutrals and earthy tones isn’t one of them. Keep reading to see…

I’m the middle child of 3.
My older brother lives here, in Raleigh, and my younger sister lives in Austin, Texas.
I was a tomboy growing up.
That strand is still alive and well in me today. I’m all for a good competition, and I love adventure and pushing myself to the limit. This shows up in my adult life the most in my love for fitness.
Seeing beauty in the little things every day makes me happy.
I’m always looking for something that moves me to the place of showing a little reverence for the mundane. Whether it’s something unique in nature I haven’t noticed before, a moving news story, words that resonate with me, or a quiet moment on the porch before the world wakes up.
I am naturally reserved yet feel indescribable joy when I share my creativity with others.
Staying true to my introverted nature and inviting other people in to see what I’m up to is something I’m constantly working on.
I love salmon.
I mean, I really love it. I could eat it every night. My parents used to joke that I was going to develop some kind of problem eating too much of it. So far, so good – fingers crossed!
I played club soccer growing up, but, looking back, I wish I’d danced.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved soccer! It taught me a lot about getting up (literally) when you’re down. But my sister and cousins danced, and when I’d go to their competitions I secretly wanted to be up there too. I’ve always been moved by music but I guess at the time I thought I was too “tomboy-ish” for that. Looking back I wish I’d had someone see that in me and encourage me to go for it. It’s been a good lesson for me as an adult, though, to really go for the things I feel drawn to.
I am not the same human when I go without sleep.
Truly, I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m a Mom one day because me without 8 hours of sleep is a train wreck. My college girlfriends used to joke about the inevitable “wall” that I’d hit between 10:30pm and 12:00am, regardless of whether it was a Monday night or a Saturday night on the town. I have so many memories of walking home by myself from a bar or party because I was like, “Yeah, I’m done. Goodnight.”
I was born and raised in Raleigh, NC.
I’ve spent the majority of my life circulating around this part of the country (with the exception of a 2-year stint in California working for Facebook). I tried my very hardest to go out of state for both college and my career, but life unfolded in another way. I often still feel like a black sheep in the south and don’t think I’ll be here forever. I crave adventure, diversity, and have a drive to “go against the grain” that’s been with me as long as I can remember.
I like talking about serious, meaningful things but have realized I can only stay there for so long.
Looking back over my life, my best friends were always extroverted, humorous people who could both help attend to my emotional needs when that was necessary and pull me up and out into the wonderful world of lighthearted fun as much as possible. Lately I’ve been looking and praying for more people like that in my life.
Some people in my circles would argue that blogging is vain, but I don’t see it that way anymore.
I spent several months working through this personally before shifting my blog from a personal journal to that of an influencer. After all, what could seem more vain than making a living by encouraging people to buy the things they see me wear, put on my face, cook, or purchase for my home? On the surface these things felt wrong to me, but as I searched deeper I realized that I didn’t have to adopt that perspective. Of course, like any profession, I, too, teeter totter with my intentions: some days I feel fulfilled by your comments, likes, and purchases, and other days my fulfillment is in creating and sharing purely for the joy of it. I will never be 100% one or the other. In the end, I figured that, maybe if this brings me such great joy, it’s one of the many ways God wants to use my creativity in the world, and that gave me the freedom to move forward.
What’s something I don’t know about you? Getting to know my readers is so important to me because it’s you who I write and create for. Let me know in the comments below or leave a comment in today’s post on Instagram.

Love this post, Nat!! So authentic and honest <3
I love how you styled this lady. Love the color of that top too.
I have family who lives outside of Raleigh. I’ve been to visit several times, and it’s really pretty. You look gorgeous in that top BTW!
Thank you Cristina! Raleigh is a special place!
Loving your top and I am also a child of 3! ( the baby though) Thank you for sharing!
Hey girl! I love this sage spring color story! Such a cute look 😉 I found your blog through Style Collective and I’m so glad to connect! Xo Jana | http://www.janastyleblog.com IG: @jana_meister