5 Items on My Sister’s Wedding Registry I Own & Love

Whether you’re engaged, married, or single, selecting items for your home can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re like me and didn’t grow up with a family heritage of fine china, glassware, or matching towels & linens. I remember experiencing a sense of relief when I began to seek out items for our wedding registry that felt true to me, many of which provided a sense of ease, calm, and beauty for our space. Similarly, finding unique male wedding rings that reflect your personal style can add a special touch to your wedding preparations.

While everyone’s approach to home necessities varies depending on age, style, and needs, life just so has it that my sister is engaged at the same age I was (24) and has very similar taste. Now that David and I have nearly 3 years of marriage under our belts, I thought I’d share a few of the things Molly registered for that we also own and love. I consider each of these items a must have, whether you live alone, with your beau, or with roommates.

1. Maple Cutting Board

I’ve always loved how the French display cutting boards throughout their homes, and I’m beginning to mirror that style in our kitchen. The best thing about this cutting board is that it serves as a tool and as decor. Cooking is relaxing to me, and there’s nothing like having a large, sturdy cutting board to place and prepare all my ingredients.

Items on My Sister's Wedding Registry

2. Ring Holder

It’s true; I am one to lose things. I lose my car keys or phone only to find them 5 minutes later about every other day. However, I’m proud to say that I have never lost my wedding rings. I keep this crystal ring holder on our nightstand so I can take my rings off easily at night and slip them back on first thing in the morning. I love that it’s clear, so I can easily tell if my ring is in it. I also love gold trinket dishes, like this and this, for placing other rings and earrings.

Items On My Sister's Wedding Registry

3. Linen Duvet Cover

If there’s one thing newlyweds love, it’s sleep! David and I slept 10 hours every night on our honeymoon. The planning, traveling, and socializing that accompanies a wedding is exhausting. This linen duvet saved us in poorly air-conditioned California apartment, and we’ve kept it here in North Carolina. Matteo duvet covers are plush enough to feel like you have something substantial on top of you yet breathable that you don’t get too warm. I love this budget-friendly linen duvet from Hotel Collection as well.

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4. Cylinder Vase

You probably know from my Instagram stories that I pick up hydrangeas from our local grocery store every week. They’re my favorite flower, but the key to using them as decor is the vase. Our cylinder vase allows the large stems to rest diagonally along the edges, which means I can fit 6-8 flowers. The end result is a very full arrangement that keeps our living room light and bright every week!

Items On My Sister's Wedding Registry

5. Electric Salt and Pepper Mills

I first discovered electric salt and pepper mills when visiting my in-laws in Mississippi. We keep our mills next to our stovetop and use them daily. They even have a light so you can easily prevent over-peppering or -salting! They can easily be refilled with the pink sea salt & black pepper we buy at Trader Joe’s.

If you’re married, what were your favorite wedding registry items? If you’re single or engaged, what are the things you’re hoping to have one day? Let me know in the comments.